Dragan Damjanović
Address: Svetlane Kane Radević br. 3
Phone: 020 239-010, 020 239-024
Email: dragan.damjanovic@azzk.me
He was born in Mojkovac on 18 September 1988.
He completed elementary and secondary school in Podgorica.
He graduated from Faculty of Business Management in Bar, where he acquired the title of Bachelor of Financial Management.
He completed specialist postgraduate studies at the Faculty of Economics, University of Montenegro in Podgorica, where he acquired the title of Management – the degree of specialist (spec.App).
NGO sector
During his studies, he had a notable engagement in the NGO sector, where he participated in the implementation of several projects in the management structure at the national level as well as in cross-border cooperation projects in the role of coordinator and project assistant.
Tax Administration
He started his career in the state administration in 2014 in the Tax Administration, in 2015 he was assigned to the position of advisor in the Tax Administration – Central Register of Business Entities (CRPS).
Ministry of Finance
Since January 2017, he has been employed as an independent advisor in the Ministry of Finance in the State Aid Control Department.
Agency for Protection of Competition
With the transfer of state aid control activities on 1 January 2019 from the Ministry of Finance to the Agency for Protection of Competition, he continued his work engagement in the Agency for Protection of Competition in the Sector for State Aid Control. From 2021, he has been assigned to the position of Head of the Department for Prior State Aid Control and Reporting.
Prior to joining the state administration, he worked in several private companies at short intervals.
He is actively involved in real estate appraisal and has a certificate from the Institute of Certified Appraisers of Montenegro (IOPCG) – Associate Appraiser (PS).
During his engagement in state aid control, he participated in numerous conferences and trainings in the field of state aid and competition. A seminar organized by the Government of Japan and the Japan Fair Trade Commission (JFTC), entitled “Competition Law and Policy – laying the foundation for promotion competition”, as well as a seminar in Luxembourg organized by the European Commission entitled “State Aid Rules, Monitoring, Implementation and Procedures”.
By the decision of the Government of Montenegro from 2018, he is a member of the negotiating group number 8, chapter – Competition.
He is Montenegrin by nationality.
He is married, the father of one child. Speaks English.