Press release: The employees of the Agency for Protection of Competition successfully completed the training within the project “English language and professional skills in the public administration of Montenegro”

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  • Press release: The employees of the Agency for Protection of Competition successfully completed the training within the project “English language and professional skills in the public administration of Montenegro”

The officials of the Agency for Protection of Competition attended and successfully completed the English language training program organized in the framework of the project “English Language and Professional Skills in the Public Administration of Montenegro”, implemented by the Ministry of Public Administration, with the support of the HR and British Council.
The training was preceded by the testing (APTIS test) of employees, in order to identify the level of knowledge of the English language when it comes to writing and speech components. Employees who showed advanced level of knowledge gained the opportunity to participate in this intensive training program, which contributed to the improvement of knowledge and skills when it comes to communication in the English language of the employees of the Agency.

The aim of this project was to support the development of the necessary skills to achieve greater efficiency in communicating with international peers. The training program was prepared on the basis of a comprehensive analysis of needs for English language and key professional skills conducted throughout the state administration, as well as on the basis of interviews with all ministries and a number of other state bodies.

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